The CHCA Palliative Care ECHO Hub is a knowledge, experience, and expertise exchange where participants, contributors and the Hub facilitators come together to share workable answers and adaptable evidence-informed practices to address gaps and challenges in home-based palliative care. The CHCA ECHO Hub Community is an online respository of resources, tools and information to support the planned ECHO Hub Learning Sessions.

CHCA ECHO Hub Community Resources

Self-directed microlearning to enhance your knowledge and skills

Evidence-informed practices and research articles to inform your practice

On-demand video of the Learning Session to reinforce your learning experience

Subject Matter Experts’ content slides to share with your team members

Join the CHCA ECHO Hub Community

Complete the participant information section. Once you receive your log-in and password, you can access the valuable resources in the CHCA ECHO Hub.

As a CHCA Palliative Care ECHO Hub member I agree to:

  • Participate in the ECHO learning sessions, join the discussion, and give feedback
  • Share my expertise and issues to help shape the content of the CHCA Palliative Care ECHO Hub
  • Participate in program evaluation to help us better understand our impact and how we can support teams across the country


You’re already registered and  logged in, congratulations !

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